Hello and welcome!

Wel­come to the web­site of Prof. Jeremy Sit.  I’m an Asso­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor in the Depart­ment of Elec­tri­cal and Com­puter Engi­neer­ing, part of the Fac­ulty of Engi­neer­ing, here at the Uni­ver­sity of Alberta.  On this webs­ite, you will find infor­ma­tion about me, my research group — the Engi­neered Nano­ma­te­rials Lab­o­ra­tory — and our work.  You can also read about my teach­ing and learn­ing activities and my ser­vice and pro­fes­sional activities.

Latest news

(2017-11-15) M.Sc./Ph.D. graduate student position available (starting January 1 or May 1, 2018) — Flexible electronics and nanofabrication. [details...]

(2017-10-27) Website update in progress.

(2017-07-01) I am on sabbatical leave for the 2017–2018 academic year.